The Misinformation Web
For months, Futuro Investigates in collaboration with Latino USA, tracked how lies and conspiracies about the election and the candidates that originated in English soon found their way to Spanish-speaking audiences, amid the expanded monetization of tech platforms and the rise of technologies like AI. We meet face to face with social media influencers pushing out misinformation in Spanish, and with the experts combating it.

USA v. Garcia Luna: A Story Where True Crime Meets Telenovela
True crime meets telenovela in this five-episode audio series, as two journalists share their obsession with a powerful and obscure character whose role in the so-called war on drugs has affected millions of lives in the United States.

The Mortgage Wall
After a Latino family was prevented from applying for a mortgage in New Jersey, Futuro Investigates began digging into mortgage application outcomes in the state. Our investigation determined Latinos are more likely to be denied mortgage loans than white borrowers.

Toxic Labor
In the absence of federal or state data showing how many disaster restoration workers get sick every year because of their labor, we document for the first time how prolonged exposure to dangerous toxins affects the health of workers who clean and rebuild American cities after natural disasters. This is a special episode by Futuro Investigates, in collaboration with The Center For Public Integrity and Columbia Journalism Investigations.

Toxic Labor
A warming planet is creating a booming and loosely-regulated disaster restoration industry fueled by immigrant labor. Without protection, workers are exposed to lethal toxins making them sick long after the cleanup.

Immensely Invisible
Maria Hinojosa teams up with Zeba Warsi, and they investigate how women in ICE detention are sexually abused when they were at their most vulnerable — in a medical setting — and how ICE has done very little to stop it.

Uvalde, Resisting and Rising
For the past year, since the Uvalde school shooting, Futuro Investigates have been documenting the community’s trauma and the fight over assault rifles. Our team examines the police response, Uvalde’s history of struggle and healing.

Air We Can’t Grasp: The Insidious Matter of Carbon Monoxide
Even though carbon monoxide poisoning is preventable, housing safety violations, injuries and deaths keep occurring. Since Fall 2022, Futuro Investigates digs into why incidents keep happening and how Latino and Black residents are disproportionally affected by the deadly gas.

Head Down
In 2018, Diego and Mario joined the U.S. government-sponsored H-2A visa program, leaving their families in their home country of Mexico to harvest blueberries at a farm in North Carolina for six months. They had no idea they were about to become victims of human trafficking and that their lives would be derailed forever. Listen to the two part special Head Down now.

Death by Policy: Crisis in the Arizona Desert
For over a year, Futuro Investigates has dug into how the Border Patrol’s decades-long “prevention through deterrence” policies have purposely created a deadly funnel, pushing migrants attempting to cross from Mexico to the U.S. into the deadliest terrain in the country.
In-depth reporting that holds the powerful accountable, and confronts challenges that communities of color face across the Americas.Immigration, Spanish
Cómo las políticas públicas de Estados Unidos contribuyeron a una crisis en el desierto de Arizona
Durante más de un año, Futuro Investigates ha indagado en cómo, por décadas, las políticas de “prevención a través de la disuasión” de la Patrulla Fronteriza de Estados Unidos han creado deliberadamente un embudo mortal. Estas políticas han empujado a los migrantes que intentan cruzar de México a Estados Unidos hacia terrenos letales del país, como el desierto de Sonora en Arizona.
Border, Immigration
Death By Policy: Crisis in the Arizona Desert
For over a year, Futuro Investigates dug into how the Border Patrol’s decades-long “prevention through deterrence” policies have purposely created a deadly funnel, pushing migrants attempting to cross from Mexico to the U.S. into the deadliest terrain in the country, including the Sonoran Desert in Arizona.
Government, Spanish
USA v. García Luna: Una historia de crimen real mezclado con telenovela
El crimen se encuentra con la telenovela en esta serie de cinco episodios donde dos periodistas comparten su obsesión por un oscuro personaje cuyo rol en la llamada “guerra contra las drogas” ha afectado miles de vidas en Estados Unidos.
USA v. García Luna: A Story Where True Crime Meets Telenovela
True crime meets telenovela in this five-episode audio series, as two journalists share their obsession with a powerful and obscure character whose role in the so-called war on drugs has affected millions of lives in the United States.
Government, Immigration
Head Down
In 2018, Diego and Mario joined the U.S. government-sponsored H-2A visa program, leaving their families in their home country of Mexico to harvest blueberries at a farm in North Carolina for six months. They had no idea they were about to become victims of human trafficking and that their lives would be derailed forever. In the first episode of two-part special “Head Down,” we go deep into how a visa program that brings more than 300,000 foreign agricultural workers to the U.S. every year is plagued with abuse and wage theft. All of this while the U.S. government plans to expand it.
Baja La Cabeza
En 2018, Diego y Mario se unieron al programa de visas H-2A patrocinado por el gobierno de EE. UU., dejando a sus familias en su país de origen, México, para cosechar arándanos en una granja en Carolina del Norte durante seis meses. No tenían idea de que estaban a punto de convertirse en víctimas del trafico de personas y que sus vidas se descarrilarían para siempre.